Sharing our best practices and thought leadership.

Braze Reflection: Personalized EOY Wrapped — Custom HTML Paginated IAM
We recently worked on our biggest user-facing project yet:
12-intensive-weeks, entirely focused on this single use case.
11.4M Reachable Audience.
10000+ lines of Custom HTML Code with 100+ asset links and tons of Liquid logic.
Design, Data, Marketing, Braze Support, and Braze Experts. It truly takes a village.
90.3% conversion rate with $3.4M revenue.
Keep scrolling to read more about some valuable lessons learned along the way!

BRAZE TUTORIAL — Liquid — How To Send/Abort Messages To Specific Age Ranges Based On Birthday
You get an email! You get an email! But you, you don’t get an email! Happy Birthday!

BRAZE TUTORIAL — SQL — How To Exports Users Who Opened/Clicked A Specific Email Campaign
Buckle up for some SQL and the Query Builder!
It’s true that Braze has limited capability when it comes to user-level reporting. Most of the tools under the Analytics page provide Campaign or Canvas-level data, but there are 2 places in Braze that provide user-level data, so let’s check those out!

BRAZE LIQUID — Date Filter & strftime — Liquid For Technical Marketers
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

BRAZE LIQUID — Date Variable & ISO 8601 — Liquid For Technical Marketers
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

BRAZE LIQUID — Liquid Filters — Liquid For Technical Marketers
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!
BRAZE LIQUID — Assign & Capture — Liquid For Technical Marketers
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!
BRAZE LIQUID — Data Types — Liquid For Technical Marketers
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS: 7 Rules of Liquid Conditionals
Previously, we posted a video called “5 Rules of Liquid Conditionals”.
BRAZE LIQUID — 3 Types of Liquid Code — Liquid For Technical Marketers
Today, we’re going to talk about the 3 types of Liquid code. There’s only 3 types of Liquid code, and when we break it down this way, it sounds so simple!

BRAZE LIQUID: Logical Operators (and/or)— Liquid For Technical Marketers
These next 5 minutes could save you 15% or more on your Braze Segmentation mistakes.
If you want to learn more about and/or logical operators, this is the video for you!
Back in my high school computer science teaching days, we spent a whole chapter on and/or logical operators.
Here is the super condensed version, featuring Drake.

Liquid Filters are one of the 3 types of Liquid code that we mentioned in a previous video.
Filters take your Liquid variable and change the output, allowing us Marketers to be flexible in our personalization.
Some Filters have what’s called a parameter or multiple parameters, and you can also mix and match Filters.
Watch the full video to learn more about Liquid Filters!
Assign and Capture tags are the two ways to create variables in Liquid.
If you’re an active Liquid user or have been following our videos, Assign tags will soon become second nature. Assign tags are necessary in almost every Liquid use case.
But when do we use the Capture tag? Watch this video to find out!

What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS: Conditionals — if, elsif, else
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!

What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!
LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS: Datatypes (String, Number, and Boolean)
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!
LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS: 3 Types of Liquid Code (Variables, Tags, and Filters)
What’s up everyone, my name is Allan, Founder and Consultant at For Now Marketing, and welcome to LIQUID FOR TECHNICAL MARKETERS!